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Petru A Sponsor

(15 yr old boy)


About Me

Nadia Petronela and Liviu Petru (twins) were born in 2009 to their single mother and an unknown father. In August 2012, their mother left abroad, leaving the twins in their aunt's care. Their agreement was that the mother was to financially support the children and permanently keep in touch with them. This very understanding was communicated to the local authorities.

However, once departed from Romania, the mother never contacted her children or her sister and never sent money or any other type of help. Her sister, unemployed, living in a modest house consisting of two rooms, without electricity or wood for warming the place, was forced to ask the Child Protection Services for their help.

Soon afterwards, Hand of Help was contacted and we decided to take the twins into our care. The mother showed no interest whatsoever in keeping her relationship with the twins and agreed to Petru and Nadia becoming a part of our orphanage. The twins have another sister currently living in a different town with a relative who was able to take her into foster care.

Petrisor (as we call him) is always full of energy and loves to play with the other children at the orphanage. We are overjoyed to watch him share stories from school or explain the rules of a game to his friends before playing together. When he is not inside playing with his toy cars, he enjoys running around outside.

Please keep Petru and his sister, Nadia, in your prayers. We know that our Lord can completely heal and restore their wounded hearts. Even though they had to face numerous obstacles at such an early age, they will always find comfort and protection in the arms of our Savior.

Thank you for your faithfulness and for helping us offer a family to children like Petrisor and Nadia who otherwise had no one else to take care of them.

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