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The Prophetic Times Magazine

Issue #1 - "Will There Be Another 911"

This magazine not only ponders the question will there be another 911 but Michael Boldea gives a clear explanation on how we will have a greater then 911 event if America does not repent.

Issue #2 - "Abominations In The House Of God"

Homosexuality in the church is an abomination and it is rampant in America.

Issue #3 - "The Truth About False Prophets Teachers and Doctrines"

The Latest Prophetic Times magazine is very important and critical at this time.  It exposes the moray of false teachings and doctrines we find prevalent in America as well as those who propagate them.  Unfortunately many have become snared and enticed by the messages these false teachers espouse because it centers on wealth, prosperity, and things the flesh likes.  This magazine gives credence to the need to test the spirits, contend for the faith and drink from clean rivers that feed the spirit and strengthen the believer.

Issue #4 - "Was Jesus Really Rich?"

This is a good message that explores the life and testimony of Jesus in regards to wealth and money.  Jesus not only spoke about these subjects but his life was a practicle application of what it means to lay up Heavenly treasure and to reject covetousness and greed when confronted with these temptations.

Issue #5 - "Heart Cries Corruption in the Church"

  1. Preface
  2. The Signs Within
  3. The Age of Indifference
  4. And Yet We Slumber
  5. The Love of Money
  6. The Root of Evil

Issue #6 - "Where Is The Former Glory?"

This magazine is the compilation of 2 messages Michael Boldea spoke in Michigan and Wisconsin.   They carry an important challenge to the church in America which has fallen asleep in many ways.

May we all have ears to hear these messages that speak on subjects many churches have disregarded for fear of losing people, finances and status.

  1. The Time Is At Hand
  2. The Taking God Out Of The Church
  3. A New War Coming

Issue #7 - "When God Chastens"

This issue is about growing in spiritual maturity.   Many Christians stay in one place too long and their growth in Christ is stunted.
This magazine challenges us to dig deeper into the Word, in faith, and to apply the tools God gives us to become a warrior for Him



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Michael Boldea's Blog

Mar 8, 2025 - Job CXXXIII
Mar 7, 2025 - Job CXXXII
Mar 5, 2025 - Job CXXXI

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