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Sent To America

Dumitru Duduman August 1984

[Excerpt from Through The Fire Without Burning; this occurred soon after arrival in California after being exiled from Romania for smuggling Bibles.]

When I eventually fell asleep, I had a strange and remarkable dream.  

I found myself back in Romania.  Maria [my wife] and I were there visiting an apple orchard.  For some reason we weren't allowed to go in.  The owner approached us and said, "What are you doing here?  Your rights are in America.  Get out or I'll call the police!"

I pleaded with the owner to let us walk through the beautiful orchard just one last time, but he would not.  As I stood waiting, I suddenly realized that it was getting dark outside, a strange occurrence since it was only about 1:00 p.m..  I looked all around to see where the darkness was coming from and was terrified to see a volcano erupting.  Its lava spread over the nearby homes, then began to rise across the ground.  

"Maria," I said in the dream, "I guess you know we're going to die." Maria smiled.  "I am so happy that I am going to die on Romanian ground." Then suddenly, an American helicopter lowered to rescue us.  When I got inside the copter, I looked into the familiar eyes of the pilot.  He was the man dressed in white; the angel of the Lord.  He said nothing, just motioned for us to sit down.  When we were high over the ground, he finally spoke, "Look down." I looked and the land of Romania was covered with an army of tanks, machine guns, and aircraft, all poised for battle.  [This occurred in December 1989 during the revolution in Romania.]

"See, all of this evil will eventually happen.  This is why the Lord has taken you from Romania, to save you.  Now you are in a position to help your people from your new home.  You will provide tremendous assistance to your Christian Brothers and Sisters as well as to your loved ones.  This is why I have sent you to America.  So be strong and trust the Lord fully.  He will not let you down."

Next, it seemed we were over California.  The angel said, "There is San Francisco.  There is Sacramento and Modesto.  Soon we will see Los Angeles." I had no idea there were such places in California, or even in the world.  But I still remember the exact names.  

At last we were over Fullerton where we now live.  "You can go home," the angel said, "but I want to tell you what will happen.  You have seen a number of cities.  The day will come when I will punish the citizens of those cities because of their sins.  Their sin has reached into heaven.  God will punish them just as he punished Sodom and Gomorrah."

"How will this happen?  Surely they are able to defend themselves against any imaginable invasion."

"That is your opinion, not the mind of God.  The Russian government will have all the information regarding the whereabouts of American missiles.  They will have the exact locations of the weapons factories.  Even now they are preparing an attack against America.  When America believes there is peace and safety, the Russians will lead an all out attack.  They already have it planned! They plan to attack from such remote bases as Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and the ocean.  They have had these plans for a long time, but God has not yet allowed them to be fulfilled.  Nevertheless, the day will come when America will be punished for her sins by fire."

I was terrified.  "Why did you bring me here to die?  Why didn't you let me die where my parents died?"

"Don't be afraid." He spoke calmly and quietly.  "The pure in heart will not be punished.  Those who are untouched by the sins of others, and are faithful and true, will hear the trumpet of God and the voice of God's angel crying, 'Wake up!' They will be told where to go."

"Where will they go?"

The helicopter soured again.  I caught my breath, for as I looked down my eyes swept across beautiful cities.  Two rivers flowed through one of them and growing alongside the other was a vast, lush forest.  "This is your refuge when the times of tribulation fall upon California.  Your family, and all those who hear the voice of the Lord, will understand the message of God's mighty trumpet."

Deeply troubled, I awoke from my restless sleep.  The next morning I told my family the dream and began fasting for 21 days.

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Dreams and Visions

Dreams and Visions

Sept 1984The Message For America
1984Mystery Babylon
August 1984Sent To America
Feb 19, 1989Angel On A Red Horse
June 1989The Vision Of The Mountain
June 1989Revolution In Romania
Dec 5, 1989The Star
Jan 1990Return To Romania
Apr 1990Bird On The Plane
Jun 6, 1990The Camp Of God
1991When Will It Happen?
Mar 1991Fear Me And Draw Closer
May 1991A Flicker Of Light
July 4, 1991A Peaceful Heart
Aug 1991Heavenly Visitors
1991Clouds In The Skies
Jan 23, 1992America The Falling Star
June 3, 1992Man Holding The Moon
Nov 8, 1992A Revelation
Dec 12, 1992The Black Bird - (War Against The Christians)
Jan 1993When Christ Returns
Mar 5, 1993The Hand That Wrote On The Sky
May 7, 1993The Black Army
June 19th, 1993The Morning Sun
Sept 1993A Call To War
Nov 7, 1993Book Of The Gentiles
Dec 9, 1993Examine Your Heart
Jan 1994I Will Speak To Them
Jan 3, 1994Fire In The Heavens
Jan 24, 1994The Savior Returns As Judge
Mar 1994Letters To The Churches
July 1, 1994The 3 Scrolls
Nov 21, 1994Numbered Days
Jan 2, 1995The Beast Strikes
1995Israel and America
Jan 1996One Page Remains
Apr 22, 1996China and Russia Strike
Jun 17-18, 1996The Future Of Israel
1996The Bear In Leopard Skin
Nov 29, 1996Maybe Three More Years
Mar 29, 1997Seven Moons
1997A Great Bear
Apr 1997The Lawless One
Apr 1997Fight The Good Fight
Apr 1997The Bear Awakes
2001The Message About Iraq
Sept 11, 2001The Final Warning
Pre 9-11The Finger-The Fist
May 5, 2003The Season of Sorrow Coming
Sept 2003The Angel said,"This is the Church...."
Oct 2003Blood On The U.S. Flag
Apr 30, 2004God's word will be "An Anchor In The Storm"
Oct 15, 2004The Eagle and the Serpents
Apr 19, 2005A word of comfort for the pure and righteous.
Feb 3, 2006A Great Earthquake Coming
April 6, 2007A New War Is Coming
October 30, 2007The Dream
December 2008Deserter?
March 25, 2010Three Men in a Wheat Field
June 2012The House That Stood
June 1, 2013A Telling Dream

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