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Three Men in A Wheat Field

Posted March 2010

Shortly after returning to the United States I began having a recurring dream.  I have prayed many nights as to whether or not I should share this dream, and I finally received confirmation that I should.  There are some dreams or visions that I receive wherein I know instantly that it was either meant for me personally, or that it was intended to be shared.  This was not such a dream.  After seeking the Lord on the matter however, I know I was supposed to make this dream public.  

I dreamt I stood in front of a large wheat field.  By the golden hew the wheat stalks had taken on, in my dream, I knew that it was close to harvest time, either late summer or early autumn.  It was beautiful and peaceful watching the wheat sway gently in the breeze under a picture perfect blue sky.  

As I grew familiar with the scene before me, I began looking around and saw three men, evenly spaced at the edge of the field.  One man stood on the left corner of the rectangular field, the second man stood in the middle, and the third man stood on the far right edge.  

All three men were dressed in white, and since I was seeing them from behind I could not make out their faces.  Each of the three men held something in their right hand.  The man on the left held a burning torch, the man in the middle held something that looked like a wineskin, and the man in the far right corner held an old fashioned sickle, and a basket lay on the ground next to him.  I recognized the sickle, because I used to play with one in my adolescence while living in Romania.  

As I stood and watched this strange scene before me, the man on the far left tipped his torch slightly, and touched one of the wheat stalks with the lit torch.  Suddenly about one third of the entire wheat field burst into flame.  The fire went out as quickly as it began a sudden burst of flame, followed by the scorched remnants of a once beautiful wheat field.  

As I continued watching, the second man uncorked the wineskin, raised it about shoulder level, and tipped it slightly.  One solitary drop of water poured out of the wineskin, but as it made contact with the wheat another third of the field was leveled as though a great wave had just swept through it.  

I did not understand what I was seeing but I continued to watch the scene unfold.  I was expecting the third man to do something as dramatic as the first two, but instead he simply bent from the waist, grabbed a handful of wheat stalk with his left hand, and with a practiced swing of the sickle cut through it.  He then laid the wheat he had cut in the basket.  Although there was a solemnity in the actions of all three men, the gentleness and care with which the third man laid the wheat in the basket stood out for some reason.  The man continued the process of cutting wheat and putting it in the basket until it was full, then with practiced ease, tied the wheat into a small bushel with a piece of twine he removed from his waist.  He laid the bushel aside, and returned to swinging the sickle and filling the basket.  This went on for some time as the man methodically and quickly made bushel after bushel of wheat.  

For the first two nights, this is where my dream ended, and as I knew this could not be the end of it, I began to pray that I might either see the conclusion of the dream, or receive the interpretation.  

On the third night, the dream began as the previous two nights, with the first man setting fire to one third of the field, the second man flooding one third, and the third man meticulously harvesting the last third, I thought it would be the same dream yet again, until the man with the sickle turned, looked at me and said, 'the world will know hunger, the faithful will know the power of their God.' I recognized him; I had seen him in both my dreams and my visions before.  

I woke up, and went about my day thinking that I would have the dream again that night, but the dream did not return.  I received no further insight or interpretation, but this is what I believe in regards to its meaning:

I believe that a worldwide food shortage is imminent.  Whether due to too much sun and not enough rain, or too much rain and unprecedented weather patterns, global agriculture will suffer a severe blow very shortly.  I also believe that God has already prepared provision for His children, that He will provide for them, and miraculously so.  I do not believe God reveals coming events to His children that they might grow fearful or panic, but rather that they might learn to trust Him, knowing that He who is already into tomorrow, has already made provision for it.  

Matthew 6:25-26, Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on.  Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they?

Matthew 6:31-33, Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the gentiles seek.  For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

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Dreams and Visions

Dreams and Visions

Sept 1984The Message For America
1984Mystery Babylon
August 1984Sent To America
Feb 19, 1989Angel On A Red Horse
June 1989The Vision Of The Mountain
June 1989Revolution In Romania
Dec 5, 1989The Star
Jan 1990Return To Romania
Apr 1990Bird On The Plane
Jun 6, 1990The Camp Of God
1991When Will It Happen?
Mar 1991Fear Me And Draw Closer
May 1991A Flicker Of Light
July 4, 1991A Peaceful Heart
Aug 1991Heavenly Visitors
1991Clouds In The Skies
Jan 23, 1992America The Falling Star
June 3, 1992Man Holding The Moon
Nov 8, 1992A Revelation
Dec 12, 1992The Black Bird - (War Against The Christians)
Jan 1993When Christ Returns
Mar 5, 1993The Hand That Wrote On The Sky
May 7, 1993The Black Army
June 19th, 1993The Morning Sun
Sept 1993A Call To War
Nov 7, 1993Book Of The Gentiles
Dec 9, 1993Examine Your Heart
Jan 1994I Will Speak To Them
Jan 3, 1994Fire In The Heavens
Jan 24, 1994The Savior Returns As Judge
Mar 1994Letters To The Churches
July 1, 1994The 3 Scrolls
Nov 21, 1994Numbered Days
Jan 2, 1995The Beast Strikes
1995Israel and America
Jan 1996One Page Remains
Apr 22, 1996China and Russia Strike
Jun 17-18, 1996The Future Of Israel
1996The Bear In Leopard Skin
Nov 29, 1996Maybe Three More Years
Mar 29, 1997Seven Moons
1997A Great Bear
Apr 1997The Lawless One
Apr 1997Fight The Good Fight
Apr 1997The Bear Awakes
2001The Message About Iraq
Sept 11, 2001The Final Warning
Pre 9-11The Finger-The Fist
May 5, 2003The Season of Sorrow Coming
Sept 2003The Angel said,"This is the Church...."
Oct 2003Blood On The U.S. Flag
Apr 30, 2004God's word will be "An Anchor In The Storm"
Oct 15, 2004The Eagle and the Serpents
Apr 19, 2005A word of comfort for the pure and righteous.
Feb 3, 2006A Great Earthquake Coming
April 6, 2007A New War Is Coming
October 30, 2007The Dream
December 2008Deserter?
March 25, 2010Three Men in a Wheat Field
June 2012The House That Stood
June 1, 2013A Telling Dream

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